From Libre Evolucion de Energia we celebrate the approval of the new Royal Decree Law 15/2018 , of October 5, which ends the controversial Sun Tax.
First, and more importantly, the end of the sun tax involves the elimination of all kinds of obstacles, fees and tolls to pay for the right to produce and consume your own electric power in your solar installation. From now on, whatever your installation, you will not have to pay any extra charge to produce your energy in a clean and sustainable way.
According to the words of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, the idea is “to guarantee consumers access to cheaper and more respectful alternatives”.
This great absence of extra charges directly causes the decrease in the energy bill immediately to all consumers who bet on solar energy. Even better if this causes the additional double effect that affects the demand for energy in the wholesale market; the decrease in this demand, irremediably, will cause a containment and reduction of prices in the wholesale market and a reduction in the importation of hydrocarbons.